Data plays a crucial role in establishing baselines, understanding needs, allocating resources, and measuring impact. It supports open and transparent communication about complex issues. Data only tells one part of the story and that it needs to be understood within a broader context and over time.
The City of Prince Albert is developing a Community Safety and Well-Being Dashboard which will make data available to the public.
Report the locations of discarded needles through the Needle Pick-Up Form. Data gathered from forms like this will direct action and attention to the areas where it is most needed.
People use needles for many different purposes. The Straight to the Point Harm Reduction Program through Saskatchewan Health provides education, awareness, guidance and supplies for safe needle clean up.
Access Place
101-15th Street East (lower level of the Addiction Services building) If you find a needle, you can contact Access Place to pick it up. They can be reached by calling (306) 765-6533.